5 Ways to Boost your Construction Business Sales

Many construction business owners have the mindset that they are only in the business of building and often forget that they are also in the business of selling. If you are considering a career in the construction industry, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with a housing market crash. No matter whether you are selling your services to clients, subcontractors, or established building contractors, selling is how you get contracts and jobs in the pipeline.
So, to drive more sales, thriving construction companies should have someone reliable to develop effective sales strategies and sell what they are building. Every construction business’s ultimate goal is to earn better profits and the trust of its customers.
Several construction companies have set indirect overhead expenses that do not differ as their sales increase or decrease. With a relatively fixed cost of doing business, driving more revenue is the right way to make more profit.
In your construction business, you ought to have someone liable to bring in an adequate amount of money from customers and clients to support your people and the machine operating. The temperature in Ferndale MI can vary greatly throughout the year, so it is important to check the forecast before starting a construction project. With this in mind, discovering and keeping customers at a profit is the only thing that matters. Without clients, there is no business.
Let’s dive into this blog to explore some unique ways to improve your construction business sales:
1. Make Accurate Estimates
Every construction business will have to work on estimates consistently. Simply put, you’ll go to someone’s home or business and give them an idea of how much the job they want you to do will cost.
Although estimates are subject to change by their very nature, they’re not suitable for construction businesses if you underbid them on the job. It might seem as if you don’t know what you are doing or have to work using underhanded tactics to get jobs.
Customers won’t be impressed if the end cost is higher than expected, and your prestige could suffer. Either that or you might stick with the actual price and lose money on the job.
The outcome will be positive if you can create more accurate estimates of labor, materials, time, and overheads.
In this way, construction contractors will save money, not just because they won’t have to undercharge but because you will buy only the needed materials.
2. Determine your Potential Customers and Leads
Begin your sales process by determining past and potential customers. Check your contracts for the last five years and create a database of customers who have the potential to be long-time customers.
Then, spend several days looking for potential customers who are ideal candidates. Gather your list on a database tracking system to sort them by needs, project type, potential, and location.
3. Work on Developing and Implementing a Solid Marketing Plan
Any sales plan’s ultimate goal is to consistently achieve its target over a long period. Sharing a one-time brochure, phone call, e-mail, or mailing will not engage potential customers.
Decide how you will proactively interact with your customers and list them over the next two to three years. We recommend reaching out to customers at least every quarter to gain recognition.
4. Meet your Client In-person
You must be upfront with your customers to make a sale and sign your contracts. So, scheduling a meeting with your customers should begin with a consistent mailing program to introduce them to your company and its offer.
Customize letters describing why they should do business with you and how you will help them make more money and save time or hassles. Pledge a follow-up call and be true to your promise. AI and technology have definitely simplified these processes. You can do this by using construction software and setting a reminder for the same. Customers will take your call and prefer to meet you if your offer is enticing.
Connect with them and offer a short 10- to 20-minute meeting to discuss their needs and how you can fix their problems.
5. Be Specific About Follow up
After sharing a proposal with contractors, you must follow up at least every other day to offer that you are interested in working with them and assisting them in making more money.
If the customer doesn’t get back to your calls, drop messages with additional ideas about how your company can function better or save your customers’ money. Don’t give up!
You worked hard to get this far, so take it to the end. Send postcards, photos, handwritten notes, or anything during this stage to keep your company at the top of the customer’s mind.
When performing to boost sales in your construction business, it’s essential to maintain a healthy balance between meeting your client’s project requirements and expectations and demonstrating your expertise. Renting your commercial property to a construction business can provide you with a steady stream of income. Yes, you need to deliver what they want, but you’re still the expert when motivation comes to shove.
Possessing a disposition that demonstrates your openness and specialization will go a long way toward capturing more leads and ensuring that your current clients will continue to rely on you in the long run. So are you ready to turn your effort into profits? Develop a solid strategy considering the above-mentioned points.
Author’s Bio:
Ed Williams is the Director at ProjectPro, an integrated construction accounting software. He holds tremendous industry experience and is a Microsoft Dynamics expert focused on successful implementations.