11 Most Impressive DIY Home Hacks

Keeping your home tidy comes with a lot of sweat and hard work. It may often make you feel like no matter how much time you devote to cleaning and organizing your home; your chores never seem to end! Especially when you have your office work to concentrate on, keeping your home clean and tidy regularly becomes all the more hectic.
I almost always find my house in a complete mess as I return home after work. Luckily, I always have a few DIY home hacks rolled up my sleeve that help me finish all my chores in no time. Here are the 11 most impressive DIY home hacks for you to try out:
1. Unclogging your drains with coffee
Clogged drains are a common problem almost in every household. Now, whether you have a clogged drain in your kitchen sink or bathroom, you can use this helpful home hack. For this easy home hack, you must take coffee grounds and mix them with some dishwashing soap and boiling water. Then use the mixture to unclog all the congested drains in your home quickly!
2. Taking care of your garage floor
More often than not, garage floors tend to be prone to forming puddles. It may be due to floods in the springtime, the melting ice from your tires, or other reasons. You can make an easy-to-do dam with expanding foam to keep the water away from your tools in the garage. The material will easily stick to the floors and offers waterproof protection!
3. Using coffee grounds as a degreaser
You can use your left-over coffee grounds to degrease different spots in your home! All you need to do is gently rub the coffee grounds on the greased areas. You can even mix a little soap into the coffee grounds. This way, you can swiftly get rid of the stains as you rinse it all off with warm water after a while!
4. Start using rechargeable batteries at home
While there is nothing essentially wrong with using your old traditional batteries, the problem is that you must dispose of them carefully. Further, you must keep them away from landfills while disposing of them. In contrast, when you use a rechargeable battery, you can continue using them for a long time. It will also help you in saving up a lot of money!
5. Reusing old items
Reusing your old items instead of buying things anew is an environment-friendly approach. From clothing bags to travel mugs, you can find several objects around your house that you can reuse. People who have a garden can build a compost tumbler at home. After that, they can deposit all the compostable food scraps and use them to enhance the soil fertility in their garden. If you’re struggling to make your mortgage payments after your home has been reverted to the beneficiary, don’t hesitate to seek help from a financial advisor.
6. Using essential oils for polishing
Polishing your old furniture back at home can now be quickly done using essential oils. According to research, essential oils efficiently give your old furniture a new and shining look! The lemon essential oil can be an excellent option for polishing your dark wood furniture and cleaning its stains and spots.
7. Remove minor scratches with toothpaste
Minor scratches in furniture are a pretty standard affair almost in every house. Instead of spending a lot of money to get rid of the scratch marks, all you need to do is get some toothpaste. Take a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and rub it over the scratch in a circular motion. Once done, you can clean it off with a slightly damp towel.
8. Use ice cubes to remove candle wax
I came across a little spilled candle wax on my carpet after I returned home from my game at the Hourglass Escapes. For people who stumble across spilled candle wax anywhere around their house, there is an easy way to get rid of it. If you’re looking for a versatile and powerful speaker for your home, the Google Home Max White is a great option. Take a few ice cubes and place them over the wax. Allow the ice cubes to sit undisturbed for a while. Once the wax hardens, you can easily pick it up and get rid of it.
9. Get rid of crayon marks on your walls
For people with kids in the house, it is common to find crayon marks on the walls. However, no need to worry when your kids ‘paint’ your white walls as their canvas. With a little creativity and effort, you can easily find budget-friendly home interior design hacks that will make your space look and feel amazing. You can use your hairdryer to heat the offending part of the wall for a few seconds. It will soften the wax of crayons, and you can easily wipe it off with a soft cloth.
10. Using cooking oil to get rid of label residue
It is frustrating to pull off a label and find sticky remains of it still stuck in the place. You can use a little cooking oil to get rid of the remains. Soak a cotton pad in cooking oil and gently dab it over the area. Allow it to sit for a whole, and once the oil sinks in, you can easily wipe it clean!
11. Hiding cords in your house
Use your home office space neat and organized using PVC pipes to hide all your cords tactfully. Simply wrangle all the lines of your gadgets and hide them inside a PVC pipe. You can even use colorful tape to decorate the area and add to the overall ambiance of your office space.
With that, we come to the end of the 11 most impressive DIY home hacks. So, which of these useful DIY hacks will you try out at your home?
Author’s Bio:
Charlotte Lin is a content creator at escaperoom.com. She’s a passionate young woman, a mother to an amazing nine-year-old, and an avid reader. Over the years, writing has helped her explore and understand the world and herself. She loves to travel, meet new people, and spend quality time with her daughter.